Policies and Procedures
Student Handbook
- Principal's Message
- SWE Philosophy
- Title 1
- Education of Children and Youth in Homeless Situations
- Absences
- Behavior
- Car Riders
- Cheating
- Code of Conduct
- Conferences
- Confidentiality
- Counseling Program
- Debts to SWE
- Defacing or Damaging School Property
- Discipline
- Dismissal
- Dress Code
- Drug Use (Substance Abuse)
- Expulsion
- Field Trips
- Fighting
- Grades
- Honor Roll
- How Parents Can Help
- Insolence
- Language
- Library
- Lost or Stolen Items
- Medications at School
- Physical Education
- Reflection
- Registration
- Report Cards
- Search of Students
- Sexual Abuse
- Sexual Harassment
- Stealing
- Suspension
- Tardiness
- Telephone
- Textbooks
- Truancy
- Visitor Authorization
- Withdrawal from School
Principal's Message
Dear Parent(s) and/or Guardian(s),
Welcome to Sixth Ward Elementary School. If you are a returning parent, you know how much we appreciate the opportunity to play the vital role we do in the life of your child. If you are a new parent to our school, rest assured that we take our responsibility to your child as the most important part of our mission as a school community.
A school community will succeed in producing caring, loyal, and dedicated citizens only through the combined efforts of school personnel, parents, students, and community members.
For the sake of your child please support the school in the following ways:
- Check your child’s red folder daily.
- Stay in close contact with your child's teacher.
- Note events on the calendar and plan to attend.
- Note dates for report cards.
- Volunteer around campus.
All of us here at Sixth Ward look forward to serving your children to the best of our ability. We want to ensure your child’s progress and success. We, the teachers, staff, and I are available for conferences and for answering any questions you may have. Thank you for your cooperation as we look forward to an engaging and fun year.
Andrea Stant
SWE Philosophy
The faculty and staff of SWE believe our goal as educators is to help each student develop his/her full, unique potential to become an effective citizen who will assume responsibility and provide leadership for the future. We accept that every child is an individual with his/her own learning styles and ability levels.
Using a variety of methods and materials, we strive to create a learning environment dedicated to enabling each student to develop thinking and reasoning abilities. We provide growth and learning opportunities for every student by a focus on basic academic knowledge and skills as well as on traditions and values of our country.
We realize that cooperation among school, home, and community is essential if a student is to achieve his/her growth potential at our school. We perceive parental support as the key factor in motivating our students. It is through this cooperative effort involving parent(s), student, teacher(s), and administrator(s) that each child can attain socially accepted goals in human relations, self-realization, and civic responsibility.
Title 1
St. Tammany Parish Public Schools
Title I
Parents’ Right to Know
Parent and Family Engagement Best Practices
The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) requires school districts to inform parents and families about their right to receive information on the professional qualifications of their children’s teachers.
Parents and families have the right to know:
- Whether all employed personnel have met state qualification and licensing criteria for the position they hold within the school
- If any personnel is employed under provisional status where state qualification or licensing criteria have been waived
- All college degrees and general areas of certification held by teachers, and qualifications of the paraprofessionals
- Whether their child receives services by paraprofessionals and their qualifications
Teacher Certification/Degree Information can be verified at www.teachlouisiana.net
St. Tammany Parish Public School System believes that Parent and Family Engagement (PFE) is important for children to achieve success. Parents and families are key partners with the schools. PFE includes programs, services, and activities at the school and district level.
District Responsibilities
- Involve families in developing and reviewing the district’s PFE Plan
- Hold yearly Federal Programs, PFE Stakeholders’, and PFE activity planning meetings
- Support STPPS Title I schools in planning and carrying out their PFE activities
- Annually review and monitor PFE activities and school-wide programs outlined in the School Improvement Plans
- Provide a Title I PFE resource page and presentations for school personnel use
- Develop Title I PFE survey to evaluate PFE plans and use results to plan future PFE programs and adjust PFE policies and procedures
School Responsibilities
- Invite parents to a school meeting highlighting their school's educational programs, curriculum, and PFE opportunities
- Offer PFE activities at various times which support learning goals at home
- Involve parents in the planning, review, and implementation of PFE programs
- Provide parents with timely information about the school PFE policy
- Provide families with opportunities to volunteer, participate, and observe in the school and classroom
- Maintain 2-way communication with families
- Provide each student with the Compact for Student Success outlining responsibilities of students, parents, and teachers in the educational process
- Support all students in their effort to achieve success
Education of Children and Youth in Homeless Situations
The McKinney-Vento Act is a federal law passed in 1987 to help people experiencing homelessness. The Act requires states and school districts to make sure students in homeless situations can attend and succeed in school. The McKinney-Vento Act applies to all children and youth who do not have a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence, including all children who are living in the following situations:
- Doubled-up housing with other families or friends because they lost their home or their family is having temporary financial problems
- Living in a motel/hotel because of economic hardship or loss of housing
- Living in an emergency or transitional shelter, domestic violence shelter, or in a runaway/homeless youth shelter
- Living in a vehicle of any kind; campground without running water and/or electricity; abandoned building; substandard housing; bus/train station
- Abandoned in a hospital
Children and youth in homeless situations have the right to the following:
- Attend and succeed in school no matter where they live or how long they have lived there
- Enroll in a school despite the lack of a permanent address or lack of school and immunization records or birth certificates and other documents
- Receive services comparable to those offered to non-homeless children and youth
- Get transportation to school, if feasible
- Access educationally related support services
Should you or your child meet these qualifications; please contact your school’s main office or guidance office to complete a form for consideration.
The State of Louisiana requires that all children from their seventh to their eighteenth birthdays must attend a public school, private day school, or must participate in an approved home study program. Any student above the compulsory attendance age who has excessive absences may be dropped from school with principal recommendation. School attendance is imperative, not only to satisfy requirements of the law but to help ensure student achievement and success. Every missed day of school is a missed opportunity to learn. As per State policy, St. Tammany Parish Public schools are responsible for enforcing the following requirements:
- Students are expected to be in attendance every student activity day scheduled by the St. Tammany Parish School Board.
- Schools must administer attendance regulations in accordance with State and locally adopted policies.
- Elementary students may not miss more than ten (10) days of non-exempted excused absences, unexcused absences, and/or suspensions per year. Students in grades K-8 who miss more than three (3) hours of instructional time during the school day will be considered absent for the entire day.
Please refer to the district handbook on the STPSB website for more information on absences: www.stpsb.org
Types of Absences
There are four types of absences a student may obtain:
- Type One Absence: Exempted, Excused
- Type Two: Non-Exempted Excused Absences
- Type Three: Unexcused Absences
- Type Four: Suspensions
Type One Absence: Exempted, Excused
Exempted, excused absences are those that allow the student to make up work missed and will not be counted against students in determining whether a student meets attendance requirements. There is no limit to the amount of exempted, excused absences a student can incur. The exempted, excused absences are defined in the attendance policy as the following:
- Extended personal physical or emotional illness as verified by a physician or nurse practitioner licensed in the state.
- Extended hospital stay as verified by a physician or nurse practitioner licensed in the state.
- Extended recuperation from an accident as verified by a physician or nurse practitioner licensed in the state.
- Extended contagious disease within a family in which a student is absent as verified by a dentist or physician licensed in the state.
- Observance of special and recognized holidays of the student’s own faith with documentation provided.
- Visitation with an immediate family member who is a member of the United States Armed Forces or the National Guard of a state and such immediate family member has been called to duty for or is on leave from overseas deployment to a combat zone or combat support posting with proper documentation. These absences shall not exceed five days per school year.
- Travel for educational purposes. These absences must be approved prior to the travel with the supporting documentation submitted to the principal. Verification of the educational experience must be submitted upon return to school
- Death in the immediate family with documentation. These absences shall not exceed five days.
- National catastrophe and/or disaster.
Type Two: Non-Exempted Excused Absences
Type Three: Unexcused Absences
Unexcused absences are absences where a note is not provided to the principal, a note is provided outside of the specified time, or fails to meet the criteria to be excused. Students are not allowed to make up work for grading purposes and will be given failing grades for those days missed. These absences count against the student when determining whether the student meets attendance requirements.
Type Four: Suspensions
Suspensions are non-exempted absences. Students are allowed to make up work when suspended from school. The student shall receive the same credit originally available for such work if it is completed satisfactorily and timely as determined by the principal or the principal’s designee, upon recommendation of the student’s teacher. These absences count against the student when determining whether the student meets attendance requirements.
Absence Procedures
Excuses for all absences must be presented in writing to the school secretary. The note must include the student’s full name, days of absence, reason for absence and/or doctor’s verification, parent/guardian signature and date of signature. In elementary through junior high school, when a student accumulates seven (7) absences which include non-exempted excused, unexcused, and/or suspensions, truancy notification will be made to the parents/guardians.
Behavior involving bullying
Bus Behavior
For the safety of our children, no misbehavior can be tolerated on the school bus. It is important to stress that good behavior on the school bus can be a matter of life and death. Therefore, discipline infractions on the school bus, which are turned in to the principal’s office, can result in denial of bus privileges.
- Tobacco use, and smoking are not allowed on the bus.
- Whistling, loud talking, wrestling, or grabbing or yelling at other students is not allowed on the bus.
- Dangerous items or weapons and animals of any type are not allowed on the bus.
- Throwing objects either within the confines of the bus or to the outside of the bus, is not allowed.
Classroom Behavior
In addition to the following regular discipline guidelines, students must keep in mind the following rules for classroom behavior:
- Students may only leave the classroom with a written pass or regular dismissal from the teacher.
- Students must be punctual to class.
- Students shall recognize the authority of all teachers and classroom supervisors.
- Students must follow the classroom rules of the individual teacher.
Playground Rules
Cafetorium Rules
1. Walk to and enter the cafeteria in an orderly manner.
2. Exit to the designated area for recess in an orderly manner.
3. Remain in designated line until your name is entered into the cafeteria computer and you are served.
4. Use the salad bar quickly and quietly.
5. Display appropriate mealtime manners.
Car Riders
Parents who drop off or pick up their children in the morning or after school must do so by driving around the back of the school. Students are not allowed to be dropped off in the back-parking lot. There will be no automobile traffic in the bus circle between 7:00 – 9:00AM and 2:00 – 4:00PM. STUDENTS CANNOT BE DROPPED OFF FOR SCHOOL EARLIER THAN ONE HALF HOUR BEFORE THE START OF THE SCHOOL DAY. There are no duty teachers on hand to supervise or watch children before that time.
Giving or receiving help on any examination or classwork without the teacher’s permission will result in immediate action. The student will receive no credit for any paper on which he/she has cheated. His/her parents will be consulted in an attempt to forestall any further problems. If the behavior is repeated, the principal will request a conference with the parent(s) or legal guardian(s).
Code of Conduct
Roles of the Student
Students learn best when they set high goals for themselves, work hard to achieve those goals, and conduct themselves responsibly in their school work and actions. Students need to adopt these practices to help ensure their success.
- Attend school daily
- Be punctual
- Be prepared for class with appropriate working materials
- Be respectful to all individuals and property
- Be clean and neat
- Be responsible for their own work
- Abide by the rules and regulations of the school and School System
- Maintain a positive attitude
- Conduct themselves in a safe and responsible manner
Roles of the Home
Most agree that "the children's first and best teachers are their parents/guardians." The School System recognizes that student achievement is impacted greatly by the level of parent participation in a student's education. The value of a strong partnership between school and home is immeasurable, but sure, and parents or guardians are asked to adopt these basic practices to help school personnel work with students.
- Send children to school ready to learn.
- Students shall arrive to school no earlier than 30 minutes prior to the start bell and depart from school no later than 30 minutes after the dismissal bell each day.
- Maintain regular communications with school teachers and school officials concerning their children's progress and conduct.
- Ensure their children are in school, on time, every day.
- Promptly report and explain to school officials any absence or tardiness. Assist and require children to be neat and clean.
- Notify school officials of any problem or condition that affects their children or others at school.
- Discuss report cards and school assignments with children.
- Assist children in assuming responsibilities at school.
- Maintain for school officials’ up-to-date home, work, and emergency telephone numbers and all other emergency and health information throughout the school year.
While it is the policy of SWE to encourage parents to confer with the teachers of their children, these conferences for the educational well-being of the student must be scheduled with the following guidelines in mind:
- A specific appointment time must be set up before the actual conference. (Spontaneous conferences are seldom informative or productive. Teachers need to have tangible, classroom data available to share with the parent.)
- Any convenient time (before school, after school, during lunch or during planning periods) that is agreeable to both teacher and parent is allowable for a conference. However, conferences may not take place during instructional periods.
- Duty periods or teachers are also not appropriate times for conferences. A teacher on duty is responsible for the safety and well-being of his/her charges. Conferences during duty time could jeopardize the safety of the children. Parents should therefore restrain from distracting teachers from their duty posts by asking for information about their children that is best disseminated during a conference.
Setting Up A Conference
The procedure for setting up a conference is as follows:
- The appointment time and date must be set at least one day before the conference. (Call or email may be initiated by parent or teacher.)
- The appointment place must be determined before the conference. (The classroom is suitable only if the appointment is before or after school hours.)
- The parent must check in at the office to secure a pass to meet with the teacher.
Students, parents, and staff have the right to confidentiality. Every effort will be made at SWE to protect that right. Guidelines for maintaining confidentiality include the following:
During parent-teacher conferences, no other students will be discussed by name.
Parents are entitled to all information about their own child or children, but should not expect to discuss any other child.
- All student records are confidential and will not be handled by anyone who is not employed by the St. Tammany Parish School Board.
- When copying documentation for a parent, no information will appear on the copy except information concerning that child.
- All employees of St. Tammany Parish School Board are mandated by federal and state law to report any suspected physical, mental, and/or sexual abuse as well as suspected neglect. It is not our job to judge or prove, but simply to report to the proper agency in order to keep our children safe.
Counseling Program
Counselor’s Role
The counselor’s role is to provide support for students, parents, and staff. The chief response of the counselor will be as an advocate for the student, however he/she will be available to students for crisis intervention and support as it relates to school issues. SWE is fortunate enough to have a full-time counselor and a full-time mental health provider 5 days a week.
Referral Process
Students may be referred in several ways:
- Staff member will fill out a referral slip and place it in counselor’s mailbox.
- Students in grades 3-5 may refer themselves by completing a request to see the counselor form and either giving it to their teacher (teacher will then place the form in the counselor’s mailbox) or by dropping it in the counselor’s box (on counseling center door) ONLY during non-class time.
- Parents may refer students in writing by sending that request to school in a sealed envelope addressed to Counselor, by calling the counseling center at 863-7126 or emailing the counselor/MHP.
- Students may refer another student during their scheduled time with the counselor.
Types of Counseling Available
- Classroom Presentations
- Crisis Intervention
- Individual Counseling
- Group Counseling
- Conflict Resolution
Classroom Presentations
- The counselor will do specified lessons with scheduled grades as part of their education process on an ad hoc basis.
- Volunteer counselor(s) may present self-esteem lessons in all of the classes on a scheduled basis.
- In the event that counseling interns are available, they will present classroom lessons.
- All other classroom presentations must be scheduled by teacher request.
Crisis Intervention
These take precedence over all other scheduled or unscheduled duties of the counselor. We must all be flexible in understanding that the law requires crisis intervention to meet given timelines. Whenever possible, advance notice will be given. Though confidentiality prohibits specific explanations, the counselor will make every effort to speak with concerned staff members on an individual basis and inform them of the general nature of the crisis as relevant.
Individual Counseling
- On a short term basis (2-5 visits)
- For problems such as peer conflicts, abuse, neglect, sudden change in behavior or grades, conflict with teacher or parent, no homework (after teacher intervention has been documented), etc.
- Student will be given a pass with date and time of appointment to show the teacher prior to appointment. No student should be allowed to come to the counselor for a scheduled appointment without this form.
- Teachers are requested to allow students to keep their scheduled appointments unless that appointment conflicts with a test that cannot be made up.
Group Counseling
- Groups will meet once a week for a designated number of weeks. (This could change based on progress of the individual.)
- For problems such as death or loss of family member, social skill building, ADHD, self-esteem, motivation, divorce, separation, catastrophic illness in the family, coping skills, etc.
- Every attempt will be made to pull students for groups during their elective (music, art, PE, library) time.
- Group participation is very confidential.
Conflict Resolution
- Teachers may refer students to the counseling center for conflict resolution.
- Students may refer themselves by speaking with the counselor and/or teacher during non-class times.
- The counselor, according to a set schedule, will man the conflict resolution station.
- Conflict Managers will NOT deal with fights where physical confrontations have occurred. An administrator will deal with those matters.
Debts to SWE
The St. Tammany Parish School Board authorizes schools to inform parents of any debts owed to the school. Parents have the obligation to handle these debts. Debts include, but are not limited to, lost/damaged textbooks, chromebooks, library books/fines, unpaid lunch fees, etc.
Parents will be notified in writing of the item(s) and/or fee(s) owed to the school. Participation in co-curricular and extracurricular activities will be withheld until debt is cleared. To appeal this procedure, appointment must be made with the principal to discuss the individual situation. All financial obligations should be met before withdrawal is completed for students to transfer to another school.
Defacing or Damaging School Property
Teachers adapt the philosophy of Positive Behavior Support for the Discipline guidelines of our school. These guidelines are geared to the classroom and to the age range and grade of the students.
In keeping with the PBIS philosophy, students are rewarded and recognized regularly for good behavior. The acronym SOAR is part of our PBIS focus. Using this acronym, we expect our students to SOAR into everyday by practicing safety at school, being organized and on-task, achieving success through accountability, and respecting to both peers and adults.
Students are given a warning for misbehavior at first infraction; subsequent infractions engender parent contact and subsequent notification of disciplinarian. Disciplinarian assigns lunch reflection, ISS or OSS. Severe misbehavior involves student being sent directly to Administration.
Parents should not check students out of class unless student has become ill, been injured, or there is a family emergency.
Parents should not pick up students from the classroom. The office will call the classroom and have the teacher send the student to the office to be picked up by the parent. Students who are picked up after school by their parents should meet their parents in the office.
Parents should NOT pick up students from the back parking lots.Parents should not pick up students earlier than the regular ending time of the normal school day except in genuine emergencies. Remember instruction does take place until the actual ending of the school day. In going home early, students may miss valuable and important instructional time.
Should a student need to be checked out of school, only those persons listed on the signed emergency card will be contacted to pick up the child. The authorized person must sign the student out in the office prior to leaving. No child shall be signed out to any person not listed on the emergency card. Please note that permission over the phone will not be accepted to allow a child to be picked up by someone not listed on the signed emergency card.
Additionally, bus notes must be written and signed by the parent. Phone calls will not be accepted for bus notes. Signatures will be verified on bus notes by comparing them to the signature on the emergency card. Parents wishing to add or change authorized caregivers must come to school and make changes in the office.
Should a student become ill or injured at school, a staff member will check the emergency card prior to making a phone call home. Though this may lengthen the time of checkout slightly, we hope that you will support us in keeping the children safe by following this procedure.
Dress Code
At SWE we insist on proper attire for our students because we feel that a student’s attitude and behavior are frequently determined by how the student presents him/herself. Students at SWE are required to wear school uniforms. The guidelines for the uniforms will be given to all students currently attending SWE and all students registering for the school year.
Operating in conjunction with our uniform for the school is the dress code for St. Tammany Parish. The dress code for St. Tammany Parish is a School Board mandate; students need to understand and practice the spirit of its guidelines as well as the absolute regulations of it. Parents need to set up the standards of how their children dress that is in keeping with the high moral standards of SWE. Please check your children before they leave home each day. Please note St. Tammany Parish Handbook on Attendance, Discipline, & Student Records for details on general dress code.
Dress Code for Physical Education
We do not require PE uniforms for students in PE classes. However, students should come with proper shoes for PE on the days they have PE classes. They should meet the following guidelines:
- Only athletic shoes that support the foot and ankle properly are allowed.
- Flip flops, slippers, heeled shoes or cleats are not allowed.
- Shoes with soles or treads that can damage the gym floor are not allowed.
Drug Use (Substance Abuse)
Sixth Ward School is an official Drug-Free Zone and complies strictly with all mandates of the St. Tammany Parish School Board regarding student use of illicit drugs and the unlawful possession and use of alcohol, look-a-like substances, or any other mood-altering chemicals or drugs
Students engaging in any form of drug use will be disciplined according to the policy of the St. Tammany Parish School Board. Please refer to the School Board’s Handbook on Discipline, Attendance, & Student Records for details of these guidelines.
Please be aware that visitors, including parents, are not allowed to smoke anywhere in the school or on the school grounds.
Any student receiving multiple suspensions during the same school year could be recommended for expulsion from the public schools in St. Tammany Parish until the beginning of the next school. Parents will be scheduled to attend a hearing of the child’s expulsion, an appeal to the St. Tammany Parish School Board can be made after the hearing.
Field Trips
When a teacher or club sponsor schedules field trips, permission must be given by the parent/guardian for the student to attend the field trip. A standard form for this purpose is available in the office and must be filed with the principal prior to the trip.
By safety policy of the School Board, all students going on a field trip must go on the school bus (or school transportation) and return on the school bus. If parents take their child on the field trip in private transportation when there is a bus used for the field trip, the child will be counted absent from school and not be a part of the field trip.
A student may be detained, suspended, or expelled if he/she instigates or participates in a fight while under school supervision. In general, when two or more students are involved in the exchange of blows and assault is not determined, both students are considered to be fighting and will be treated as such.
Self-Defense: The doctrine of self-defense, namely the right of an individual to respond to force with force, only exists so long as it is necessary to protect oneself: when the danger is past, resorting to violence is no longer sanctioned. Thus, the school only recognizes self-protection, not retaliation.
Honor Roll
There will be an academic Honor Roll for each 9-week period for students in grades 4 and 5 only. This is a district wide policy. All students receiving an A or B average with no F's (in any subject) on his/her report card will be included in the Honor Roll. Those students who receive all A's in every subject will be on the A Honor Roll.
How Parents Can Help
As parents, you have been responsible for the early teaching of your child. You are the most important teachers in your child’s life.
The following are suggestions of ways you can help your child:
- Attend individual and group conferences as often as you can.
- Read and answer all notes from school.
- Give special help to your child by:
- Promoting good health and safety habits
- Praising your child for things well done
- Talking about everyday experiences
- Planning family activities
- Reading stories to your child
Inquire about Volunteer Programs, PTA, Cultural Programs, Beautification, and Field Trips.
It is the policy of the school to promote good relations among staff and students. Disrespect for staff will not be tolerated. When a student demonstrates disrespectful behavior, the teacher will hold a private conference with the student. A detention may be issued. If a child harasses a faculty or staff member, the appropriate legal action will be taken.
Profanity and/or obscenity in any form are prohibited. Students and staff may not communicate any kind of substandard or improper or suggestive words, phrases, or gestures. Furthermore, if staff hear or see students engaging in any kind of obscene behavior, they are to report such behavior so that the student can be redirected in his/her behavior or formerly reprimanded.
The Administration shall determine, after considering all the extenuating circumstances, whether or not any particular instance of communication is profane and/or obscene.
- The library will be open, on the days that our librarian is here, at the start of school until the school day end in the afternoon including the recess periods.
- Students may go to the library during the day if they have a pass from the teacher and the library can accommodate them.
- Students may check out library books for a period of two weeks.
- Lost books must be paid for in full and damaged books must be paid to the extent of the damage (see DEBTS TO SWE).
- Students must maintain a quiet atmosphere, behave appropriately, and refrain from eating or chewing gum in the library.
For access to the St. Tammany Parish and State Libraries please use the following for assistance.
- State Library of Louisiana: http://homeworkla.org/
- St. Tammany Parish Library: https://www.sttammanylibrary.org/learning-tools/homework-help/?_ga=2.213714388.1722592516.1611175009-1152565700.1580405775
Lost or Stolen Items
The school is not responsible for lost or stolen possessions. Each student is responsible for his/her personal property. Students should bring only what is required for the day’s activities. Students are encouraged to leave their valuables at home.
A lost and found place will be designated for unclaimed items left by students. At periodic times during the year the unclaimed items will be donated to charity.
Medications at School
Students will not be allowed to have any drugs in their possession at school. Personnel in the office cannot and will not administer medication except in special circumstances where a health problem exists for a long duration. In that event the following procedure is in place:
- Written orders from a physician detailing the name of the drug, dosage, and time interval of medication dispensing will be recorded on the appropriate form provided by the school. The parent is to obtain the form from the office and have a physician complete it.
- Written request and permission from the parent or legal guardian of the student requesting that the school comply with the physician’s order must be on file in the office.
- Medication must be brought to school in a container appropriately labeled by pharmacy or physician.
- Each medication given will be recorded on a medication log that includes date, time, dosage, and signature of person giving medication.
- Only parent or designated office personnel will be allowed to give medication to students.
- No medication of any kind is allowed at school, including over-the-counter medications and prescriptions.
Note: Students who are in possession of any kind of these substances during a legitimate search by school officials will be subject to disciplinary action.
Physical Education
Physical Education classes are an integral part of SWE total academic program. All students are expected to participate every day that they attend PE. Participation includes active engagement in the activities of the class. Excuses from participation may be granted for the following reasons:
- Students who have been ill or injured will be excused from strenuous activity until recuperated.
- Extensive illness or limited participation will only be allowed if the child brings a note from his/her doctor.
- Please refer to the dress code section for details on the PE shoes.
All students require a classroom atmosphere which fosters learning. Students who exhibit undisciplined behavior and fail to respond to ordinary teacher intervention disrupt their own learning as well as that of other students. Students who consistently engage in classroom behavior that disrupts the learning environment will be issued reflections. Reflections will also be given to students who fail to complete assignments. Students and parents should keep in mind that assignments can be completed in the classroom or at home as homework; the next resort for completion of assignments is for them to be completed during reflection at recess. If students do not comply with a lunch reflection for completing assignments, they may be given a Recovery Room placement.
Lunch reflections are held every day during the lunch recess period.
Procedures for Reflections
- Teacher issues verbal warning to student.
- Teacher administers some form of intervention.
- Teacher will contact parents (phone call or conference).
- Teacher MAY issue reflection warning early in the year.
- A reflection notice is given to parents regarding date reflection is assigned. Parents should sign the reflection and return it to the school.
- If a student does not serve his/her reflection, an additional reflection is assigned as a penalty.
- If a student ignores the additional reflections, the principal will notify parent, which may result in a suspension in or out of school.
You will need to bring:
- Certified copy of the child’s Birth Certificate
- Social Security Number of the child
- Proof of residence (A current utility bill or rent receipt with your name and address on it will be sufficient proof.)
- Immunization Records written on the health unit white card or on a record from your doctor listing all immunizations.
- Custody papers (if applicable)
- If your child attended another school and is transferring to Sixth Ward, a report card from the previous school would be appreciated until permanent records arrive.
Report Cards
For the first, second, and third nine weeks, all report cards will be given out on the Thursday following the close of the nine-week session. Parents are expected to check the report card of their child(ren). At the close of the fourth nine weeks parents will receive report cards in the mail from the Central Office in Covington.
Search of Students
Any teacher, principal, school resource officer, or administrator may search any building, desk, area, or grounds for evidence that the law, a school rule, or School Board policy has been violated. The teacher, principal, school resource officer, or administrator may search the person of a student or his personal effects when based on the attendant circumstances at the time of the search. This search thus takes places when there are reasonable grounds to suspect that the search will reveal evidence that the school has violated the law, a school rule, or a School Board policy.
A teacher or administrator of the same sex shall do any search of a student’s person. At least one (1) witness also of the same sex as the student shall be present throughout the search.
The search of a person will be limited to directing the student to remove all items from his/her pockets or any container he/she may be carrying. A pat down of the person may be accomplished where it is reasonably believed that the person may have a weapon. Under no circumstances will any school personnel conduct a strip search or body cavity search.
In the event the person refuses to comply with the directions to be searched, and there is a belief that a law has been violated, then to the extent practicable, the person should be detained, and the appropriate law enforcement authorities may be contacted.
Any school principal, administrator, or school resource officer may search the person, handbag, briefcase, purse, or other object in possession of any person who is not a student enrolled at the school, or a school employee, while in any school building or on school grounds, either by conducting a random search with a metal detector or when there is reasonable suspicion that such a person has any weapons, illegal drugs, alcohol, stolen goods, or other materials or objects, the possession of which is a violation of the School Board’s policy.
Sexual Abuse
As mandated by the St. Tammany Parish School Board, students in grades K-5 will receive instruction on the topic of Child Sexual Abuse Prevention, Education, and Reporting. All materials that will be used in the instruction may be previewed by contacting the school administration. We would also like to encourage you to talk with your child about this topic as well as other general safety issues.
Sexual Harassment
St. Tammany Parish School Board is committed to providing a safe and stable climate for learning in every school. The Handbook on Attendance, Discipline, & Student Records addresses the expectations for an atmosphere in which students and school personnel can work productively. You can find this policy on the district website www.stpsb.org.
Stealing is misbehavior by an individual that also violates the rights of others and should be treated as much more serious misbehavior. At the first offense of stealing, the student, teacher, and principal will hold a conference. Parents will be notified of the offense. Any repeated offense will warrant a suspension and/or notification to proper legal authorities where appropriate action will be taken.
Truancy is the willful and/or continued act of unexcused absence from school. Non-attendance of students is contrary to law and School Board policy. Parents will receive notification of the State truancy policy at the beginning of the school year. Any juvenile student who is habitually absent or tardy from school will be reported as a truant child to the Supervisor of Child Welfare and Attendance, the family and/or juvenile court according to the provisions of Louisiana Children’s Code regarding families in need of services.
Visitor Authorization
School personnel within the School System strive to make schools inviting, welcoming places for parents and others visiting schools. At the same time, the staffs of all schools recognize their important responsibility to help safeguard those at school.
Visitors are welcome during appropriate times of day and with permission to be on the school campus. Upon entering, the visitor must present a valid driver’s license to be scanned for approval.
To help ensure the safety of students and school staff while on school campuses, the System and State of Louisiana have established policies and laws regarding visitors coming onto school campuses. These policies and laws are designed to help school personnel identify those people from outside the school who are on school grounds or inside the school and determine their reasons for being at school.
Each school within the School System has written regulations and procedures for permitting specific visitation to approved areas on school grounds or in any school building or other facility during school hours.
Visitor regulations and procedures include, but are not limited to, the following:
- No person may go on school grounds or in any school building or other facility without permission from the appropriate school official. Visitation may be confined to approved areas. No visitors are allowed on playgrounds while student are at recess.
- All persons must report to the administrator's office immediately upon arrival at school.
- All persons must sign in and out as required by the school administrator.
- All persons must receive an "Official Visitor Identification" as required by the school administrator.
- All persons must leave the school building, facilities, and grounds upon completion of business.
Withdrawal from School
The procedure for withdrawal or transferring is as follows:
- Parents inform the office in person of their decision to withdraw their child.
- Fill out the appropriate form from the principal’s office.
- Have the form filled out by the child’s classroom teacher(s), librarian, and school secretary, making sure all fees are paid and books are returned.
- Return the completed form to the principal’s office for final clearance.